Organizational Structure
The membership of the Military Order of the Stars and Bars is composed of legitimate male descendants, lineal or collateral, of those who served as officers in the Confederate Army or Navy to the end of the War, or who died in prison or while in actual service were killed in battle, or who were honorably retired or discharged, and descendants of elected and appointed officials of the Executive or Legislative branch of the civil government.
The MOS&B National Constitution, Article V divides the General Society into three Departments, State Societies and Chapters. In addition, it prescribes the organization and duties of MOS&B Chapters. The Chapter is the basic unit of the Society. Chapters may be formed in states where State Societies already exist, in which case they become part of the State Society and remain assigned thereto. National Headquarters will also maintain the Jefferson Davis Chapter #1 for members who are not part of a State Society or a local Chapter.
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