MOS&B Logo Military Order of the Stars and Bars, Texas Society   Texas Society, MOS&B

2024 Texas Society Reunion

The 2024 Texas Society Annual Convention for the Military Order of the Stars and Bars was held at the Hilton College Station and Cenference Center on June 21st and 22nd, 2024.

Members at the 2024 Texas Society Annual Convention
Members at the 2024 Texas Society Annual Convention


88th Annual National General Convention

The 88th Annual National General Convention will be held on May 29 - June 1, 2024 in LA (That's Lower Alabama for us Southern Folks). The Brig. Gen. St. John Richardson Liddell Chapter #271 will be bringing it to us from the Graham Creek Nature Perserve in Foley, Alabama.

Schedule of Events Memorial Form


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All Rights Reserved. Limited use rights may be granted by written or electronic permission.