
The Texas Chapter, Military Order of the Stars & Bars, the first chapter in Texas, was chartered on June 30, 1970, in Houston, Texas. In those days MOS&B Chapters affiliated with SCV Camps and the Texas Chapter affiliated with the now defunct Dick Downling Camp #1305. In the beginning thirty eight members of the MOS&B came together to form this once great chapter. A number of notable Texans were among that group including Msgr Anton Frank of the Houston-Galveston Diocese and two future CiC's of the MOS&B, Dennis W. Rainoshek and Dr. Ralph W. Widener, Jr. One of the charter members of this Chapter, Dr. Toni R. Turk, also went on to become the Commander General of the MOS&B.
About 1989 the original Chapter ceased to exist because of attrition. The Albert Sidney Johnston Chapter #5 of Houston, Texas, on December 1st, 2009, decided to change the name of the ASJ #5 to the Texas Chapter #5 for two reasons: 1) eliminate the similar name confusion with the local SCV camp and 2) restore the great traditions of the Texas Chapter. At that time, The Texas Chapter was the largest Chapter in the MOS&B and was one of the most active with a membership of over 60 compatriots. In 2012 the Texas Chapter #5 joined hands with the Texas Society and hosted the National MOS&B Convention in San Antonio, Texas at the famous Menger Hotel to a record crown of over 160 people.
When the old Texas Chapter first organized, the idea was conceived to present a replica of the Davis Guard Medal to any person who made a substantial contribution to preserving Southern Heritage. The Davis Guard Medal was the only medal awarded by the CSA during the War Between the States. It was given to Lt. Dick Dowling and his small group of men who defeated the Yankees as they attempted to invade Texas at Sabine Pass. The Davis Guard Medal that the old Texas Chapter presented is similar in intent to the Ron Aldis Award that was conceived after Ron’s death several years ago. These two honors have been merged into one. We have a list of all the past recipients of the Davis Guard Award and it looks like a Who’s Who of great Texas compatriots. Included on that list of 33 are Dr. Frank Vandiver, Ralph Green, Pete Orlebeke, Jim Vogler, several UDC presidents, and Dr. William McCain, to mention a few. Recent additions to the list are PCG Charles Smith, John Lewis Moncure, PCG Dr. Toni R. Turk, David G. Whitaker, Don Edward Lee, PCG Max Waldrop, Jr., and William Bryan Roehrig, III.
Most of the records of the Texas Chapter were lost during Hurricane Alicia, August 15 - 24, 1983. In the ensuing years many of the charter members have died or have moved away. We have found bits and pieces here and there and a few members have furnished information from memory or personal files Therefore our early history is not complete. However, we trust that what we have is fairly dependable.
It is the intent of the reformed Texas Chapter #5, to restore the honor and greatness of this old Chapter and the honor of the men who put the Texas Chapter in the forefront of the Military Order of the Stars & Bars
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