MOS&B Logo Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Jackson Nicholson Chapter 318 Texas Society, MOS&B
Join Us

Membership in the Military Order of the Stars & Bars is limited to male descendants, either lineal or collateral, of the officers who served honorably in the Army, Navy and other commands of the Confederate States of America and male descendants of the elected and appointed civilian officials of the Confederate States; the national Confederate Government; and the Five Civilized Tribes which allied with the Confederacy. Ancestral documentation must accompany all applications for membership.

The application fee and the first twelve months of national dues are included with the $60 initial payment which must accompany your completed application. (Note that pro-rated dues will be due in December of the application year which will cover the unpaid balance of the next full calendar year.) Annual renewals for national membership are $45 and are due at the end of each calendar year for the following year. Your State Society and Local Chapter may also have annual dues in addition to the national dues.

National life memberships are also available. The life membership fee is determined on an age graduation scale which is found at the bottom of this document and on the application form. The application fee of $60 is waived if joining as a Life Member. The Life Membership payment must be made in full and accompany the application.

Membership includes a membership card, a lapel pin, and a color certificate of membership suitable for framing.

Click here to download a MOS&B Membership Application (You may need to Right-click, select "Save link as", save it to your hard drive, and then open it.) Updated 08/01/2021. This is a form-fill document that can be filed by both hard copy and by email. When filing by email, by typing your name in the signature field, you agree that this is equivalent to a hand-written signature on paper.

If additional generations are needed beyond the capacity of the membership application form, those generations should be added in a plain text document using the same information and the same basic format as on the application form. The file should be included along with the main application form and should be named using the applicant's name in the following format:

Important Note: A complete set of the application and supporting documentation must be included in order for the application to be considered and processed. Only one complete application is to be submitted. It is a requirement that applicants wishing to join a specific chapter have an MOS&B Sponsor. Except for those joining the National At-Large Chapter, the following signatures are required before the application can be processed by International Headquarters: Sponsor, Chapter, State Society, and State Society Genealogist. Failure to obtain all of the required documentation can cause a delay in the approval of the application.

Please know that if you need assistance or help in completing your application or help locating a qualifying ancestor, please send an email to our Genealogist.

Incomplete applications may be returned to the remitting applicant in the event these requirements are not met.

Fee Schedule
Dues (Renewals & Reinstatements) $45.00
New Member Application ** $60.00
Life Member Application * (see chart)
Supplemental Application $20.00
Legacy New Member Application *** $50.00
Replacement/Additional Certificate $20.00
Charters (Chapter and State) $40.00
Chapter/State Officer Commission Certificate (8.5 x 11) $10.00
* May be paid in lieu of regular new member application
** Current dues regardless of length of inactivity - No resubmission of application
*** Submission of genealogical lineage past legacy member requested but not required

Life Membership
Under Age 20 $1,000
Age 20 - 29 $900
Age 30 - 39 $800
Age 40 - 49 $700
Age 50 - 59 $600
Age 60 - 69 $500
Age 70 + $400
Designed and Maintained for the Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Jackson Nicholson Chapter 318, Texas Society, MOS&B by:

Copyright © 2022 - 2025, Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Jackson Nicholson Chapter 318, Texas Society, Military Order of the Stars and Bars
All Rights Reserved. Limited use rights may be granted by written or electronic permission.